We all talk about the importance of female role models for our daughters. Many feel the pressure to BE that role model for the young females around them, be that daughters, nieces or friends. However, what about role models for us? Fully grown adult women who, frankly, could do with a bit of reassurance and inspiration from time to time. We all need someone who can show us how to be great without making us feel worthless or inadequate. The truth is that strong female role models are important for every single one of us, even those we see as role models themselves.
Should a female role model be representative of the physicality that we wish to attain? Or should she be someone who is confident in her own attributes regardless of whether they conform to media stereotypes? Or perhaps she takes control over her shape, choosing her silhouette to match her mood. We are not short of celebrity images to which we are held up. The important thing to accept, though, is how much an image may hide. And how these physical role models may be only surface deep.
So what else can we look for in our strong female role models? How about triumph over adversity? So many women have been dealt a dreadful hand, and yet they emerge form their pasts like the veritable phoenix. These stories are truly inspirational. But do try not to let them make you feel somehow lacking. If this woman makes you feel this way, she is not the role model for you. But there will be another! The role model who fits for you will resonate and allow you to conceive a path through your own adversity.
Representation means everything! We do not need only one role model as a woman. We need loads. They should reflect different aspects of ourselves, since nowhere will you find a direct replica of your own spirit. So seek diversity. Understand all of the experiences of womanhood that you can. Amongst it all, you will find clarity and understanding towards fragments of yourself, too.
Surround yourself with success, and it will follow – goes the old adage. Is this true? Maybe for some, but not all. Success is a moveable feast. So how do we measure it? Is it in business, health and fitness, family life or academia? It’s different for everyone. One thing is clear, though, finding a way to feel confident within yourself will aid you on the path of building your own success. So think of your role model as an inspiration for your own individuality rather than as a directive.
Together we are stronger. Never before has it been so important to cast aside bitchiness and judgement on other women. A truly strong female role model will inspire collectivity and strength. By feeling that you have the power of other women behind you, you can absorb the resilience and confidence of those women. Not only this, but you can become this power source for other women, in turn.
The Circle
Because, one thing is certain – true role models don’t exist on a pedestal. They are not the Gwyneth Paltrows or Kim Kardashians. They are real women. Those who reveal their souls when they share the shapewear that changed their life. Who give their tips on presenting a confident front at that networking event. And who show their weaknesses and fears, allowing others to take a turn at being the rock that they need.
Strong women are all around us. They don’t have to be warriors and celebrities. They are in the every day, the help down the shops, the kind words online, the smile on the street. You know, you are probably that strong female role model to someone you know.
Becky is an author and copywriter who has been writing about women’s issues and underwear for several years. She also writes blogs which cover a range of topics for local businesses.