Some of us are wearily used to breast size fluctuations and breast pain as part of our monthly cycles. However during pregnancy these changes are even more pronounced with the hormonal and functional changes that are underway. It’s easy to get caught up in the changes to your waistline and the exciting movements underneath. However, your breasts will really thank you in the long run if you give them a bit of attention and care during pregnancy.
Trimester Changes
To understand the changes that are happening to your breasts over pregnancy it’s useful to look at it by trimester. Although changes happen for the duration of your pregnancy, you’ll notice specific pain points depending on where you are in development. Knowing which changes to expect can help you in caring for your breasts during this time.
First Trimester
Early surges in oestrogen and progesterone cause your milk ducts to enlarge, while your mammary glands multiply and new fatty tissues begin to store. In reality, this all adds up to your breasts becoming fuller and really rather tender. For some women this is the first sign that they might be pregnant, even before missing a period.
Second Trimester
Yet more changes to size and shape as your breasts settle into preparing for motherhood. As your ribcage expands as part of the increased squeeze on space in your torso you may notice a change to your bra band size.
Third Trimester
Whether or not you intend to breastfeed, your breasts begin to produce colostrum at this point. This yellow calorie and nutrient rich ‘pre-milk’ may leak, and your breasts are likely to feel heavier and need extra support. Your lungs may be coming under some pressure, so you’re less likely to want any tight underwear around your chest.
Stretches and Massage
At varying points in your pregnancy, you may feel the urge to just lie down and sleep. Or alternatively you might be seized with a sudden energy and need for activity. While it’s vital that you listen to your body and go with these natural urges, it’s also important to maintain light exercise and to stimulate your body.
Yoga exercises and stretches around your chest, shoulders, and lower back will help you to remain flexible and energised. They will also contribute to minimising discomfort and twinges.
While your body is busy creating another human, other aspects such as your skin can take a hit. You may feel dry, scaly or clammy. Gently massage your breasts and tummy with natural oils. Almond oil or argan oil are popular choices.
Support and bra choice
By far the biggest impact that you can have on how your breasts feel during pregnancy is through your choice of underwear. Be realistic from the outset – you are going to go through a few different sizes and styles of bra during the months of your pregnancy. It’s best to re-size as soon as you feel uncomfortable.
Comfort Bra
Your breasts will be screaming out for comfort from day one! It’s time to turn your back on underwire and lace and instead look at soft, seamless designs with gentle, non-wired cups. These designs will also have more allowance for times of growth. As you reach your third trimester, think about bras with removable padding to help manage any leaking.
Support Bra
There’s a delicate balance between gentle comfort and active support. While the tenderness in your breasts will benefit from more gentle features, the weight of your breasts still needs to be supported. So look for bras with wide shoulder straps and a wide under bust band. Remember that you may measure larger under bust as well as in your cup size.
Sleep Bra
You don’t have to buy a bra especially to sleep in, but if you don’t normally sleep in a bra, you may want to consider choosing a light and gentle option to manage tenderness during the night.
Nursing Bra
Nursing bras tend to be soft and supportive, so often you can start to use them before your baby arrives. If you intend to breastfeed, it can be useful to invest in this style early, since you really won’t want to be bra shopping once your baby is on the outside!
At Elle Courbee, we know the difference that good underwear can make to your body and how you feel. Pregnancy is no different, and your breasts deserve the best in comfort and support!

Becky is a content manager who writes informed industry based articles for businesses and consumers. She’s written for Elle Courbee on women’s issues and fashion for a number of years.